Studenteer helps Inês to develop useful skills while making a positive impact on people's lives
Please could you introduce yourself and tell us a little about how you came to hear about Studenteer?
My name is Inês and I graduated from BA (Hons) Digital Arts with a Year in Industry at Nintendo of Europe from University of Kent in 2019. After I graduated, I decided to do online courses focused on 3D Modelling (creating objects and environments in 3D softwares) with a school in the US. Around the same time Covid-19 hit Europe, I was searching very unsuccessfully for a job, so when I came across a post about Studenteer on LinkedIn I decided to join.
What made you want to want to sign up as a Studenteer?
I had previously worked for a couple years as a volunteer for a disabled women’s charity when I was a teenager and I loved that experience. Later on during university, I decided to volunteer as a mentor and helped 1st and 2nd year students with their assignments, which was a different type of volunteering experience but very rewarding. However, I knew I wanted to go back to working for charities so when I found out about this platform I knew it was something I had to join.
Could you tell us a little about the project you’ve been matched with and your role in helping them?
I have been matched with Pans Pandas UK and I am volunteering as a Video Editor. My role is to create videos for the charity which will then be used to raise awareness about Pans Pandas through the charity’s website and social media channels. We are currently working on two different projects; one is a video for social media and the other is a short animated documentary for the charity’s website. I feel very lucky and happy with the work I am developing because I immediately connected with the charity and they have been extremely supportive of my ideas since the beginning.
What was a typical day like?
I am currently working as a freelancer so that’s what I spend most of my time on. During my free time I dedicate a few hours per week to the charity and I am really enjoying having that “mental break” in my schedule where I can freely explore new ways of doing things.
What new skills has this experience given you?
I feel I have been able to solidify my knowledge of the video editing software packages and workflows as well as trying new techniques by participating in these projects. I have also gained many soft skills such as organization and creative skills, which will be very important for me in the future.
What impact do you feel it’s had on your experience of being a student or graduate during COVID-19, and are you likely to continue volunteering after it ends?
I feel this experience has been great for me during this period because it gave me a chance to showcase my skills and create meaningful work that I know will have an impact in someone’s life. The charity has been amazing, they always make me feel like my work matters and I feel valued as an artist and as a person. I am very keen on continuing working for them as a volunteer in the future.
Could you give any advice or tips to other people considering signing up to Studenteer?
I would advise you to find a project that you personally believe in and that the work you’ll be doing matches with your personal skills and interests.
Would you recommend Studenteer to a friend who is a Student or Graduate?
I would definitely recommend Studenteer to other people, especially if you are already confident in your skills on a specific area. By helping a charity you are making a big impact in a community and in the World. This experience will definitely give you so much more than you ever expected.